Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 25 in total

Cash Contribution


Drink Tickets

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Heads or Tails Beads

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Wine Pull

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Escape Room

Mathilda Doorley

Handcrafted Wooden American Flag...

Elizabeth Rose

Handcrafted Wooden Cutting Board

Fred Schaefer


Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Row of Choice at SPRING PLAY

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Row of Choice for 8th Grade Grad...

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Row of Choice Kindergarten Gradu...

Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

Your kids will thank you!  Wear Christian t-shirts or Black and Gold with your uniform Bottoms Monday through Thursday and Black and gold day on Friday!  Week TBA

Your kids will thank you!  Wear Christian t-shirts or Black and Gold with your uniform Bottoms Monday through Thursday and Black and gold day on Friday!  Week TBA

Your kids will thank you!  Wear Christian t-shirts or Black and Gold with your uniform Bottoms Monday through Thursday and Black and gold day on Friday!  Week TBA